The Never-Ending Story of a Cookie - My Reason to Smile

Have you ever wondered why old-fashioned cookies remain heartwarming? I still find old mounds of sugary and peanut butter cookies very addicting. Perhaps it is the time-tested vintage taste that will have you reminiscing back to earlier days.

                Once Upon a Cookie

When I was a kid, making sugar cookies were one of my mother's masterpieces. She had old cake and cookie recipes from great grand folks. The cookie recipe was not easy to make and I just loved helping her make the dough. Since cookies were among her most selling baked-good at her Holiday Bakery (that's after her puddings), I enjoyed times when I help rolling out the dough and cut them out using her small supply of holiday cookie cutters. I loved decorating them with icing. She showed me how to deal with the simple tasks of baking cookies and cakes.

Over the years, I learned to make prettier sugar cookies with mom. I even took pre-baked cookies to school and made fun cookie decorating messes with a few classmates. Once, I was amazed the neighbor children to return my plate empty and asked for more cookies within just minutes of having sent it over. I never in my wildest dreams imagined making delicious cookies at age 12. I never expected to inherit my grandmother's arm strength to beat the egg whites stiff by hand using an old-fashioned whisk (I always used my father's hand-made whisk). That's actually a method I am still good at today, thanks to my small arms!

Meet Pillsbury!

I couldn't remember any flour brand we had other than Pillsbury - there's Pillsbury everywhere and the cookies we made were simply that good I never considered trying another recipe. That could be the reason why I feel nostalgic styling mom's old-fashioned cookie recipe into modern dreidels. To be honest, I long for her every time I ponder upon Pillsbury bake-offs, remembering her sweating as she placed cookie loaded plain sheets on the stove.

This flour is a special pantry staple.

If you are like me, you know why traditional cookie flavors are as delicious as they sound. They are a great thing to make with kids today if you have any little hands eager to help in making them. I've got a bunch of these baking wizards who like trying different ingredients to come out with the best--most--delicious result. I call them my little kitchen scientists, too!

Today, every time I see my mother's time-aged cookie book, I remember that time in our lives when she was still around... and like always, I quietly would celebrate those cookie memories that have put the best colors to our lives. At the corner of my heart, I know that there will never be other memorable-tasting cookies to beat hers. Not for anything else but because it carries the love of the traditional sugar cookie recipe we used to know-- from mom.


  1. What a memorable reflection Tonette. You just touched my heart. Thanks for reminding me of the time I can make the most while my mother is still with me. Awesome post, very hearty!

  2. Hi Kara. I'm glad I made you feel great about your mother. Old-fashioned ways always carry Mom's personal touch. Thanks for dropping by. All the best to you.


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